How Do I Deal With My Old Friends As A New Believer?
Its a new month, the month of July to be specific, the opening of the second half of the year.
New months beget new beginnings. A new beginning has to do with you starting on a clean slate,doing a particular things in a different way. You could decided decide to start dressing differently, you could start talking differently or even associating with your friends differently. You could make a new month resolution.
Let's look at the life of a Fresh Believer,"A new Babe".
So you're born again,that is you've accepted Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour,Hallelujah!!! Its a glorious thing,you're filled with euphoria, the joy of the Lord has over whelmed your soul,what next?
The usual;you have a personal bible study, you start going for weekly programs in church,you go for evangelism,you become a worker. While doing all this things,you realise that your walk with God has become so beautiful. Being saved is beautiful.
Life as a fresh believer is not always so easy.
As "a new babe",the life of God gets transfused into your being,you realise that there are you need to desist from,you stop wearing revealing clothes,stop fornicating,stop lying and the rest, mind what you listen to,yeah this are the basics,now,how about your friends?do you start avoiding them?Do you neglect them because they were part of your old self?
Let's deviate a little. So a close friend of mine once asked me my reason for being a Christian, I was shocked,I thought obviously I'm a Christian to make Heaven He made me understand that my reason for being a Christian wasn't just to make heaven,but rather I was meant to impact peoples lives so they could make Heaven with me,wow!!!
So as a new believer don't drop your old friends because you feel they won't fit into your new life,rather make conscious efforts to save them,yes,start your evangelical work with them. You're wondering how you'll do that,its easy.
Let them know you're a new person,your stand has changed,what you accepted in the past you denounce them now. Don't make them feel like terrible sinners through your actions,use wisdom. Once in a while push your new opinions to them,if you feel their dressing is inappropriate, talk to them calmly, let them know they'll look just as good in more decent apparel,you can also play your preferred music on regular occasions. As Humans what we listen to continuously tends to stick to our memory.
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