

 So what's Dependency? Okay,Dependency is a situation in which you need something or someone and are unable to continue normally without them.   Humans now love to be independent, we love to be our own "bosses". We love to be in charge of everything at every point in time.   Life is complex. The issues of life is definitely not something you can,or rather should even think of handling alone,that's talking about your jobs,your education,your marriages,your spiritual lives, your finances and the rest.    Most people feel dependency makes them weak. Dependency is rather a form of strength,you're strong when you admit to yourself that you can't do certain things and you look up to someone else to help you. The  greatest form of insecurity is when you know you can't do a certain thing and you live in a delusion instead of looking up to someone for help.    Looking at the Christian life,most Christians delude themselves thinking they can handle everythi...


 While you're with your "Gee's" bring out your bible and read some part of the scriptures out,tell them the new things you've been finding in the word engage them,,they won't turn you down the way they'll turn down strangers because you guys already have this bond.      While doing all that I've mentioned,have it in mind that it won't be easy,they'll probably call you names like mummy G.o or pastor,look beyond the name calling and be stead fast. I can't say you'll win all your friends but you'll win some. God put you with them for a reason,speak to them and don't ignore them. For those that seem strong hearted,put them in prayers,give a little distance to avoid them changing you. This is my Opinion, I'll like to hear yours.

How Do I Deal With My Old Friends As A New Believer?

 Its a new month, the month of July to be specific, the opening of the second half of the year.     New months beget new beginnings. A new beginning has to do with you starting on a clean slate,doing a particular things in a different way. You could decided decide to start dressing differently, you could start talking differently or even associating with your friends differently. You could make a new month resolution.      Let's look at the life of a Fresh Believer,"A new Babe". So you're born again,that is you've accepted Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour,Hallelujah!!! Its a glorious thing,you're filled with euphoria, the joy of the Lord has over whelmed your soul,what next? The usual;you have a personal bible study, you start going for weekly programs in church,you go for evangelism,you become a worker. While doing all this things,you realise that your walk with God has become so beautiful. Being saved is beautiful.      Life as a fre...

My New Birth Experience

 I feel that being born again is surrendering my life to God. It means total surrender,to desist from the flesh and become more in tune with Jesus. I also believe Jesus came to die for me,to reconcile me with God,that's where Rededication comes into place.        Back to being Born again,It means dropping every weight and following Jesus only. Does that mean being born again makes me a saint? No! Because the righteousness of man is a filthy rag unto God,but sharing the righteousness of Jesus is what makes us acceptable to God.     When I understood everything stated above,that's when I truly became born again. In the past I had give my life to Christ and taken it back so many times:maybe I watched a Christian movie and felt so touched,because of that I gave my life to Christ or maybe I listened to a powerful sermon because of that I gave my life to Christ,as funny as it may sound most people may be like this. After understanding the true reason why I h...